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is a company dedicated to helping professionals overcome

their anxieties about public speaking, and improve their voice

and presentation skills, quickly and effectively.


Natalie McManus, founder and owner of Professionally Speaking, is:


  • a Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist

  • a Designated Linklater Voice Instructor

  • a Certified Forensics (Speech) Coach

  • an Actor


….with over 30 years of experience. Natalie will work with you on the physical/vocal aspects of public speaking; the use of visual aids; and other techniques for enhancing any presentation.  She will help you present yourself in a more professional manner in order to improve your ability to make career advancements.  Actors and Professionals will improve their voice/speech skills, to help avoid or alleviate vocal damage.

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Work focuses on voice and speech through relaxation, physical awareness, proper alignment, breathing, resonance and articulation. Vocal health issues are addressed. Work on public speaking skills includes work on phrasing, rate of speech, emphasis, vocal variation, organization, focus, use of visual materials, and body language/gesturing.

Private One-on-One Sessions
1 - 2 Hour Sessions

Work is tailored to the needs of the individual.

Group Workshops:
Part Day
1 - 2 Hour Sessions

Workshops include a brief summary of what may be affecting your skills, with the majority of time spent working on actual presentations given by workshop participants.  These workshops are available for local DMV area groups only.
Group Workshops:
All Day
5 - 6 Hours

Workshops with an in-depth look into the physical aspects of public speaking and exploration of what may be affecting your abilities; coupled with actual presentation work with the workshop participants.  The first part of the day is centered on group activities, while the second part of the day allows the group to learn from one another while being coached by the instructor.  These workshops typically take place at your business or university.
Phone Conference Consultations
2 - 4 Hours

Persons preparing to present at a professional conference, who are unable to work in-person with Natalie, may submit video of a practice presentation, along with their slides, for evaluation.  A phone conference is then scheduled, to review materials and make helpful recommendations. A Skype session is also possible.
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  • Facebook - Black Circle

9212 Bentridge Ave.

Potomac, MD 20854


Tel: 301-610-9313



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